Thursday, December 19, 2019

Oil And Natural Gas Is An Indispensable Part Of Human Beings

Conventional oil has become an indispensable part of human beings’ life. Agriculture need oil, cooking needs oil, driving needs oil, producing products also needs oil, we need conventional oil for everything. However, since human beings did not fully consider the use of non-renewable, environmental damage of oil and the social costs, people are over-rely on oil and uncontrolled product and consume of oil has caused too many problems, for example, economic problems, environmental populations and military problems. Oil and water resources occupies an extremely important position in the national economy, and is indispensable for human survival and development of social resources. Oil and natural gas is an important energy resource. In modern†¦show more content†¦Mainly in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Kuwait, Iraq, Oman, Qatar and Syria and other countries, reserves of these countries amounted to 84.93 billion tons. The region s oil production accounts for 30.4% of world production. North American total proven oil reserves of 29.76 billion tons, accounting for 17.2% of total world proven reserves, where reserves of 24.5 billion tons in Canada, second only to Saudi Arabia, ranking second in the world. The former Soviet Union, the CIS countries, with total proven oil reserves of 10.6 billion tons, accounting for 6.11 percent of the world s total proven reserves, its oil production to 490 million tons, accounting for 14.5% of world production. Where Russian oil production has been ranked second in t he world after Saudi Arabia. In addition, the Asia-Pacific region s proven oil reserves of 5.24 billion tons, accounting for 3.1% of total world reserves; Africa is 110 million tons, accounting for 6.6% of total world reserves; South America, 13.4 billion tons of proven oil reserves, the total world proven 7.7% reserves. World oil consumption areas and oil resources there is a serious imbalance in ownership, while oil resources has special strategic significance in national development, and therefore compete for the global oil and gas resources around has been very intense First of all, the overuse of oil will cause many environment problems. For instance, Prestige shipwreck fuel leak accident occurred in Galician coast. This

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